Coaching Options
These are just a few of the ways I have worked with people over the years. At the heart of all the work I have done and continue to do with the individuals and companies I partner with is the same. The key to being the best coach, leader, parent, partner, self is the same. The deeper your relationship with your true nature, your essential self, the richer your life, relationships, work will be.
There are three areas I specialize in:
Leadership/Resilience/Life Coach - I partner with Individuals, Entrepreneurs, Executives & companies who want to make a difference in the world, have a fulfilling personal life and be financially successful.
Most of my coaching clients are committed to their passion & purpose. They want to make a difference in the world. They want their careers [really their Lives] to be an expression of who they really are…their authentic selves. They are ready to take responsibility for the life they are creating. This means they are willing to ask themselves powerful questions, and then, once they have the answers, take action.
My clients already have some sense of themselves: they have already done some work of exploring who they are. They have it at a head level; now they want to fully integrate it into their lives and work. They are ready to take full responsibility of creating their most ideal life, in all areas of their lives and design their lives around what matters most to them.
The Coaches Coach/Mentor Coaching - I am sometimes referred to as "the coaches coach", I have been coaching since 1998 & a mentor coach since 2006, partnering with coaches to assist them to deepen their coaching in ways that are powerful, impactful, fulfilling, fun and engaging for themselves as the coach and for their clients. Partnering with new and senior coaches looking to deepen their practice and/or go for their ICF Accreditation at the ACC/PCC/MCC level.
Your Body; Your Soulmate Coaching - Deepening your relationship with your essential self, your inner wisdom. The deeper we live the life of our bodies, the deeper is the upwelling of love & freedom in our lives. This is a beautiful exploration of what becomes possible when we connect deeply with our bodies. I have found this work to be the biggest catalyst for fulfillment and impact in every area of life.
My fees/coaching packages range from $150.00 - $1,500.00 (Canadian $) a month depending on the needs/wants of the client.
My clients include professionals at:
Mountain Equipment Co-op
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility
Public Outreach
Vancity Enterprise Foundation
University of British Columbia
Toronto Metropolitan University
Options For Homes Ltd.
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Erickson College International
Right to Play International
Vancouver Police Department
Adler International Learning
Resource Rethinking Building
Royal Bank
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The best way to determine if working with me as your coach is to actually get coached by me.